News - Specialist Language Courses

Introducing flexible subscriptions and personalised tuition

Written by Carina Morante | Dec 05, 2023

In today's rapidly changing world of education, having excellent, flexible learning choices is essential. Whether you're preparing to pass OET or looking to improve your professional Healthcare English for work or study, having the right learning tools that fit around your life is a must.

That's why we're delighted to introduce our new 1-month and 3-month subscriptions for all online study courses - OET and IELTS preparation, profession-specific courses for doctors, nurses, carers, radiographers and pharmacists, cross-sector Medical English courses in grammar, terminology, writing and research skills. Plus, we're offering tailored 1-to-1 tuition for OET, IELTS, PTE, and Medical English courses.

The Freedom to Choose

Here at SLC, we are aware everyone learns differently. That's why we're all about giving you the power to pick. With our 1-month, 3-month and Premium subscriptions, you can choose the option that suits your pace and goals best.

1-Month Subscriptions

Our 1-month subscriptions are great for those after a quick and focused learning experience. Whether you're prepping for a language test, strengthening your Medical English, or just want to explore a specific topic, our 1-month deal is super-convenient and won't break the bank. You'll have full access to our online courses for a whole month, giving you the freedom to learn at your own speed.

3-Month Subscriptions

If you've got longer-term goals or want to dive deeper into your chosen subject, our 3-month subscriptions are perfect for you. With these longer subscriptions, you've got plenty of time to explore the content, make the most of our extensive course materials, practice loads, and master your new-found English language skills. 

The Personal Touch

While online courses are great for self-paced learning, we understand that many learners thrive with a more personal touch. That's why we're are also offering 1-to-1 tuition for OET, IELTS, PTE, and Medical English courses.

Advantages of 1-to-1 learning

Tailored tuition: Our excellent instructors will customise the curriculum to fit your needs and how you learn best, so you get the most out of your sessions.

Flexible scheduling: You can book your 1-to-1 sessions at a time that suits you, fitting them right into your daily routine.

Direct support: Get personal feedback, practice exercises, and guidance that hones in on your unique challenges and helps you achieve your educational goals.

Boosted confidence: Our personalised approach helps build your confidence, so you're totally ready for exams, work challenges, or academic pursuits.

Outstanding Course Offerings

The courses are written by English language, healthcare and exam preparation experts. They are accredited by the CPD Standards Office, giving you a certificate that is recognised worldwide. Our teachers are highly experienced professionals who will give you outstanding value and results.

Let's Get Started

Starting off with our new subscriptions or 1-to-1 tuition is very easy. Just go to our website, pick the plan that fits your needs, and you're in! Once you're signed up, you can dive straight into your course materials or schedule your personalised sessions. We're here to make sure your learning journey is as smooth and rewarding as it can be.